A family favourite: Butternut squash soup

Today I want to share with you one of our favourite Autumn/Winter recipes, a 3-ingredient soup recipe: butternut squash soup. It is one of the most delicious soups yet one of the easiest to make. You can use either a butternut squash (“courge doubeurre” in French) or a red kuri squash (“potimarron” in French and [...]

A family favourite: Butternut squash soup2018-02-04T16:04:26+00:00

Chocolate and butternut squash marble cake

When I think about veggie cakes I think carrot cake, don't you? Well, these days you can find cake recipes with all sorts of vegetables in them but until now, for some reason, I had not really explored this cooking universe myself. Flipping through a French cookery magazine a girlfriend of mine offered me, Saveurs, I discovered [...]

Chocolate and butternut squash marble cake2018-02-04T17:13:31+00:00

Lighter yet yummy: la quiche sans pâte

This is it, the festive season is over. We all feel a little bit heavier but with the cold weather and the lack of daylight we still crave comfort food... ummmhhh. I have a perfect recipe for this. This is an all year round favourite in our house, which I keep declining in different ways. [...]

Lighter yet yummy: la quiche sans pâte2018-02-04T20:57:26+00:00
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