French mum interview #3: Clotilde and her one-egg omelette

Today I am thrilled to share with you my third French mum interview :-)   When I asked Clotilde from Chocolate & Zucchini, for a copy of her new book, Edible French I asked her if she would make us the privilege to share with us a few of her food memories and top tips as a [...]

French mum interview #3: Clotilde and her one-egg omelette2017-03-24T05:38:07+00:00

French mum interview #2: Sandrine and her “tarte” au chocolat

Good morning!  As some of you may already have noticed, I am running a blog post series of French mums interviews: a unique way to immerse you in the French family food culture, sharing childhood memories, tricks and tips for children's meal, stories and of course recipes! As such today I thought I would publish [...]

French mum interview #2: Sandrine and her “tarte” au chocolat2018-02-04T17:57:24+00:00
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