Good morning!
As some of you may already have noticed, I am running a blog post series of French mums interviews: a unique way to immerse you in the French family food culture, sharing childhood memories, tricks and tips for children’s meal, stories and of course recipes! As such today I thought I would publish my second French mum interview: Sandrine and her tarte au chocolat. You can find here the first interview: French mum interview #1: Noémie and her crêpes recipe.
Sandrine is an amazing friend of mine, who happens to be a baking-guru :-) We went to primary school together (!!!) and her husband, Fabrice, is as well one of my amazing friend from childhood. They live in the Auvergne region, France – where I grew up. They have a little princess called Clara who just turned two years old. My boys love her to bits and I can’t wait for them to play all together again during our summer holidays in France.
Thank you ever so much Sandrine for all this delicious information!
Croque-Maman: What is your most cherished childhood food memory?
Sandrine: When I was a child, I was never hungry and so I never wanted to eat. To help me like food, my grand-mother used to take me with her when cooking. So there I sat, directly between the sink and the pans, at the heart of action on the kitchen worktop. And I cooked!
CM: What are your top tips to manage meal time and/or to promote healthy childhood eating?
S: I do with my daughter exactly what my grand-mother did with me. She eats some pieces while I do most of the job but she helps as well. And when it is ready, she is happy to eat what SHE cooked. She is also very proud when dad says it is delicious (now when she hears the fire, she runs to the kitchen to help and mix by Herself)
CM: What are your children’s favourite dish(es)?
S: Clara loves courgettes and broccoli (with some creme fraiche yummmmm) and she would kill for ham and saucisson! (yes yes everything in moderation :-))
CM: Could you please share with Croque-Maman one of your best family recipe and any story/comment related to it?
S: La tarte au chocolat, it is a cake in the shape of a tarte, yummm, this is MY childhood’s cake!!!

"Tarte" au chocolat - Chocolate cake
La tarte au chocolat is a cake in the shape of a tarte, super easy super delicious... a perfect childhood cake.
- 3 eggs
- 150 g sugar
- 100 g dark chocolate melted
- 75 g butter melted
- 115 g flour
- 1 pinch salt
Preheat your oven to 150ºC.
Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks
Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture whitens. Add the melted chocolate, the melted butter and finally and progressively the flour. Blend until well combined.
In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form and gently fold into the chocolate mixture.
Pour the mixture into a buttered cake tin.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a cake-tester/knife comes out clean.
Sandrine shared as well some pictures she took whilst making the cake with her super blender it’s even quicker, sooooo nice!!! Simply follow the steps: eggs (white and yolk), mix (fast), melted chocolate and butter, mix, flour (slowly), mix ! Thanks again Sandrine :-)
Hi Helene
What a lovely post. And that tart. OMG I will be book marking this one for the next time we have guests. Thanks for sharing
Thank you!!! and bon appetit :-) Helene
[…] of my most popular posts so far are the recipe of my saumon en papillote and my second French mum interview: Sandrine and her “tarte” au chocolat. Have a quick look and don’t miss out on all my upcoming French top tricks, tips and recipes […]
[…] My buddy is Helene Eberhardt of the blog Croque Maman. We met via Twitter because we were both looking for a buddy to attend the conference. Since then, we’ve met when she came to my supperclub but I’m really looking forward to seeing her again at FBC14. I have such a sweet tooth – I couldn’t possibly go past her gorgeous recipe for Chocolate Cake! […]