French edible gifts: les cannelés

Cannelés are divine French treats flavoured with vanilla and rhum. However I have to admit I am not a cannelés purist as I skip the rhum part in our household for the children’s sake :-) Cannelés are historically from the Bordeaux area but they are so popular you will find them in most French patisserie. They [...]

French edible gifts: les cannelés2018-01-26T11:13:53+00:00

October 14 Web Favourites

Et voilà, Croque-Maman's October 14 web favourites! A great selection of articles about children eating/cooking, a mini Bordeaux wine e-masterclass and a link to the beautiful clementine lanterns you can start making now that winter is around the corner!  1. How to make clementine lanterns, by Croque-Maman 2. Bordeaux wines 101, by 3. Rise and [...]

October 14 Web Favourites2017-03-24T05:38:06+00:00
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