Dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart

I learnt to bake these little dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart at a Parisian cookery school. Back in the days when I wasn't a mum (don't listen to my children it did happen !!!), I attended my friend's Natacha hen do in Paris. As part of the celebration we attended a cookery [...]

Dark chocolate fondants with a white chocolate heart2018-02-14T16:50:22+00:00

French most famous savoury crêpe recipe: la crêpe complète

Pancake day is around the corner… which means a perfect excuse to treat yourself and your little ones to some French pancakes ;) Why not celebrate Shrove Tuesday full on this year by making an entire meal out of pancakes? The key to do so is to make your pancakes in advance. You can use: [...]

French most famous savoury crêpe recipe: la crêpe complète2018-02-02T20:53:19+00:00

Easy crepe recipe

This post is the second part of my French mum interview #1: Noémie and her easy crepe recipe. My friend Noémie, whom I interviewed, had a family tradition when she was a child of candlelight dinners of crepes, savoury for mains and sweet for desserts ;) This is her easy crepe recipe, which I have [...]

Easy crepe recipe2018-02-02T20:43:44+00:00

Aubergines alla parmigiana

Today for a change, I am sharing a succulent Italian recipe: aubergines alla parmigiana. This is a treasured recipe that I got from one of my wonderful French mum friend: Fanny. I already hear you thinking… “What! 50 minutes preparation time!” Yes, it does take a while to prepare but it is genuinely worth the [...]

Aubergines alla parmigiana2018-02-02T21:15:31+00:00

French edible gifts: les cannelés

Cannelés are divine French treats flavoured with vanilla and rhum. However I have to admit I am not a cannelés purist as I skip the rhum part in our household for the children’s sake :-) Cannelés are historically from the Bordeaux area but they are so popular you will find them in most French patisserie. They [...]

French edible gifts: les cannelés2018-01-26T11:13:53+00:00
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