A little while ago, and by this I mean: before my lovely children came to the world, I was a food brand marketer hooked on travelling, socializing, reading, running, food and my work! 

As for most women, having children did throw everything a bit up in the air but it gave me an opportunity to re-define myself.  So… who did I become? Well for now I would say that I am a food blogger SAHM* of energetic twin boys who’s back on the treadmill! And I like to see myself as a mom-entrepreneur-in-making-of-some-sort who wants to make the most of the first years of her little ones :-)

Well the bottom line is that my blog, Croque-Maman, plays a key role in my life balance, I love it and I’m putting all my heart in it so as you can love it too :-)

These days you have the opportunity to nominate Croque-Maman to the MAD Awards…. no, no, no, not the CRAZY Awards (I could win that one too easily LOL), the M.A.D. Awards: the Mums’ And Dads’ blog Awards.

So… if you feel that I deserve it please do nominate Croque-Maman! I promise, it only takes a minute.

Go to the MAD Awards Nomination Form page.

On the first page enter:

– your e-mail address

– the blog you would nominate as Blog of the Year

On the second page, you can enter the blogs you would nominate in each categories.

Personally I would love to be considered for best new blog, best food blog and maybe best blog photography, what do you think??? If you agree with any of this just copy my url in the relevant field(s): /.

Thank you ever so much,

Helene @Croque-Maman.


*SAHM – Stay At Home Mum/ I love using that acronym it makes me think I am some kind of FBI agent, which I kind of think I am anyway considering how quickly I am able to find matching pairs of micro-socks :-) 

For the ones who have recently discovered my blog, the most popular posts on Croque-Maman are currently the following (in no specific order):


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