Pesto crusted cod

This pesto crusted cod recipe is what I would call an “evolved playground recipe”. I can hear you thinking from here: “that’s it.. the crazy French mum lost it”. No no no… not completely at least 😉 When my boys were younger and I would take them to the playground, one of my favourite conversation [...]

Pesto crusted cod2018-10-17T20:59:43+01:00

Lobster Thermidor

Today I thought I would share with you a very special recipe, something you would want to cook for a special occasion maybe like a birthday? an anniversary? Valentine's Day? I have personally cooked this for our Christmas dinner on the 24th and it was one of my best dishes ever! So what is she [...]

Lobster Thermidor2018-02-04T17:34:27+00:00
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