September 2018

Introducing #raisingfoodies


I am delighted to introduce a new blog post series on Croque-Maman: #raisingfoodies. This is a series about all the tips I have learnt, tried and tested to raise my little foodies. Since I have started writing my blog, I have talked to so many mums disheartened because their littles ones would not eat such [...]

Introducing #raisingfoodies2018-11-09T22:52:20+00:00

The perfect lunchbox muffins


So what makes the perfect lunchbox muffins recipe? To my mind, the perfect lunchbox muffins recipe will give you the keys to delicious muffins (obviously!) but then also muffins that are customisable, freezable, requiring no fancy ingredients and ready to bake in minutes without using lots of kitchen utensils. As you will see, this recipe [...]

The perfect lunchbox muffins2018-09-09T18:27:18+01:00

July 2018

Irresistible French madeleines


Have you already baked madeleines? If you haven't you should definitely give it a try. Trust me you won't be looking back. One could easily get intimidated by these delicately fluffy little cakes with lightly crisp edges, however, if you simply follow the below recipe you will discover how easy they are to bake and [...]

Irresistible French madeleines2018-07-10T09:30:41+01:00

May 2018

Alsatian rhubarb meringue tart


When the rhubarb season comes around (April through June), we are lucky enough that every year we get some given by friends, colleagues... What do you do with rhubarb? Crumble? Coulis? Our favourite family recipe comes from my husband auntie: a traditional Alsatian rhubarb meringue tart. So what is this Alsatian meringue tart all about? [...]

Alsatian rhubarb meringue tart2018-05-04T19:07:36+01:00

April 2018

Bees for kids


Bees for kids... Our boys are really lucky because their granddad has recently acquired beehives! We have learnt so much about honey bees that I have made a little recap of 5 fascinating bee facts for you to talk about with your little ones. Enjoy! There are 3 types of honey bees: Worker bees (female) Queen bees (female) [...]

Bees for kids2018-09-27T13:47:59+01:00
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